Sandy Garden Soil

Sandy soil is composed of 80-100% sand and less than 10% each of silt and clay. Sandy soil is highly permeable and a poor water retainer. While it can absorb upwards or 2″ of water an hour, it tends to drain through quickly which can leave plants thirsty.

Sandy Garden Soil

The Touch Test- Squeeze a handful of damp soil in your hand. Poke the ball gently with your finger. If it crumbles you have sandy garden soil!

The goal with improving sandy soil is to increase its ability to store water and nutrients thus allowing the plants living in it to soak up moisture and nutrients for longer periods of time.

Since sandy soil already is very porous and has large air spaces soil dwelling insects are not necessary for airation. Since air travels well in sandy soil conditions, additional protection from  heat and cold may be necessary.

Soil amendments with low to medium permiability and high moisture retention should be used. Consider well rotted manure and finished compost. If you dont compost you can purchase finished compost by the bag.

Another way to improve your soil is to mulch. Mulching will help retain water and keep soil temperatures down by slowing the rate the  air  moves through the top. Mulch with leaves, bark, hay, wood chips,  or straw.

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About Rhi

Rhi enjoys spending time with her family and working on the homestead. During spring and summer she is often found tending to her garden, and mini-orchard.

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